List of 2015 Awards
Here is a complete list of awards earned by Irvine Ranch Water District in 2015:
- Association of California Cities – Orange County Award, to General Manager Paul Cook, Innovator of the Year
- WateReuse Recycled Water Agency of the Year
- Toastmasters International, Award of Support
- Orange County League of Conservation Voters Award of Environmental Excellence
- Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting
- California Landscape Contractors Association, Orange County, Landscape Beautification Achievement Award, for Operation Center’s Entrance Island and Sand Canyon HQ Demonstration Garden
- American Institute of Architects Orange County Chapter, 25-Year Award for Irvine Ranch Water District Headquarters
- American Institute of Architects Gold Award for “Well Grounded in Water Reliability” video
- National Institute of Governmental Purchasing, Achievement of Excellence in Purchasing Award
- Alliance for Water Efficiency, Water Star Award for Excellence in Water Efficiency, Fiona Sanchez