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February 20, 2025 11:28PM
February 20, 2025 23:28PM

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San Joaquin Reservoir Filtration Facility

San Joaquin Reservoir project map

Irvine Ranch Water District contractors began work in March 2023 on a project to improve water filtration at the San Joaquin Reservoir, which provides recycled water for landscape irrigation and other uses in Newport Coast and parts of Irvine.

The project calls for the construction of a new building, facility electrical system, and the installation of a new filtration system inside the building. (See area marked in blue on the map.) A new underground pipeline will be installed along the reservoir access road from the new building to the south side of the reservoir. (See area marked in red on the map.)

A temporary staging area has been set up at the south end of the reservoir to store equipment and materials. That area will be cleared once the project is completed. Also, to ensure access to the reservoir site for larger vehicles, temporary parking restrictions may be periodically set up along Ford Road. Motorists are advised to comply with temporary no parking signs posted during these periods.

What: Construction of a new water filtration facility (blue area) and a new underground pipeline (red area)

When: March 2023 to December 2024

Construction hours: 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday

Information: Please click on the blue bar below for construction updates. Questions should be directed to, or you can call the Communications Department during normal business hours at 949-453-5500. After-hours calls should be directed to IRWD's Customer Service line at 949-453-5300.

March 2024: Filter building and Control building work will continue into April, including pipeline installation, ductbanks and drywall finishing work.

February 2024: Filter building construction will continue into mid-March, while work on the control building will be completed at the end of this month. Construction to lay a foundation for the facility's chlorine tank facility will begin toward the end of this month. Miscellaneous duct and conduit work will also be taking place this month and into next month.

January 2024: Work will continue on the filter building.

December 2023: Work will continue on the ductbanks and filter building this month.

November 2023: Pipe installation will continue for the next several weeks, along with work on the control building. Ductbank work for the site's filter building will begin early in the month and continue into December.

October 2023: Pipe installation will take place over the next few weeks underneath the filter building, and work will be done on the control building. A storm drain pipeline will be installed toward the end of the month, along with work on wiring for the control buildilng.

September 2023: Work will take place over the next three weeks on a storm drain system: setting up a vault and installing pipline. Electrical work laying conduit and installing wiring will also be taking place throughout September.

August 2023: Most pipeline along the reservoir access road has been installed, and trenches are being backfilled. In the main construction area, work is also continuing on the equilization basin. This work will continue through next week, and construction is scheduled to begin the week of Aug. 28 on the filter building footing, foundation and pipe layout.

Week of July 25: Work is continuing on the equalization basins, including curing, leak testing and eventual backfill that will take place over the next week or so. Pipeline work is also taking place along the access road to the reservoir and will continue for the next few months as pipe is installed along the roadway incrementally toward the south end of the reservoir as indicated in the map above.

Week of July 17: Work is being done on equalization basins at the site, including construction of walls, concrete pouring, curing and eventual backfill that will take place over the next week or so. Pipeline work is also taking place along the access road to the reservoir and will continue for the next few months as pipe is installed along the roadway incrementally toward the south end of the reservoir as indicated in the map above. (Equipment stored at a staging area at the south end of the reservoir will be cleared upon completion of the project.)

Week of July 10: Work is being done on equalization basins at the site, including construction of walls, concrete pouring, curing and eventual backfill that will take place over the next two weeks. Pipeline work is also taking place along the access road to the reservoir and will continue for the next few months as pipe is installed along the roadway incrementally toward the south end of the reservoir as indicated in the map above.

Week of June 19: Demolition work will continue this week, along with concrete work for the equalization basin. Deliveries are scheduled this week to bring precast vaults and other equipment to the site.

Week of June 12: Work will begin to demolish the existing control building and equipment. Conduit will be laid for electrical services.

Week of June 4: Pump work is scheduled to begin next week.

Week of May 29: Work will continue this week on the equalization basin, with the installation of forms and cement pouring scheduled through mid-June. Pump work is scheduled to begin next week.

Week of May 22: An onsite control building is scheduled for demolition this week, along with the delivery of precast vaults.

Week of May 15: Temporary power is being connected to the field office, and construction is beginning on an equalization basin. An onsite control building is scheduled for demolition next week, along with the delivery of precast vaults.

Week of May 1: Work will continue on the forming and installation of rebar for an equalization basin, which will be poured and cured in the coming weeks.

Week of April 24: Demolition work will continue this week, along with the installation of temporary power and the forming and installation of rebar for an equalization basin.

Week of April 17: Demolition work will continue this week, along with some excavation work and the movement of dirt on the site into the first part of May. Some installation of rebar is expected to begin next week

Week of April 3: A temporary field office is being set up at the construction site, and demolition of underground utilities has begun. Parking restrictions on Ford Road will be in place next week to accommodate the delivery of an excavator for the next stage in construction.

Week of March 20: Work will continue to set up the site, weather permitting.

Week of March 6: The project contractor is expected to begin mobilization this week, bringing in equipment, setting up and installing stormwater protection. This work will continue into next week, including the identification of utility lines.