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February 21, 2025 6:19AM
February 21, 2025 6:19AM

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Santiago Canyon Pump Station Improvements

Location map


The Santiago Canyon Pump Station Improvements project will enhance pumping capabilities in the canyon with improvements at Manning, Williams, Read, and Shaw pump stations. The project also calls for communications improvements at Shaw Reservoir and Williams Pump Station, and construction of two surge tanks at the Manning Pump Station.

The scope of improvements will include new pumps, site work, piping replacement, electrical, instrumentation and communications upgrades to varying degrees based on the requirements for each location.

Temporary bypass pumping will be coordinated to keep communities in service during construction.                                                                                                           

What: Improvements to water pumping at five locations in Silverado Canyon

When: February 2023 to July 2024

Where: Construction will take place at five locations, identified by number in the map above.

  1. 1. Shaw Reservoir
  2. 2. Shaw Pump Station
  3. 3. Read Pump Station
  4. 4. Williams Pump Station
  5. 5. Manning Pump Station

For more information, please email or call 949-453-5300.


March: Work will continue at Shaw Pump Station, including excavations for a bypass assembly, testing and chlorination of the system.

February: Work will begin at Shaw Pump Station and Shaw Reservoir. A temporary water shutdown is planned for this area on Tuesday, March 4.

Month of January: Work will continue at Williams Pump Station, including ongoing construction of pump cans, and installation of electrical at the first part of the month. Construction setup is expected to start at Shaw Pump Station Jan.17, and Shaw Reservoir on Jan. 22.


Month of December: Work will be concentrated at Williams Pump Station this month, with construction of a bypass assembly, installation of pump cans and turbine pumps, pipeline and electrical.

Month of November: Work at Manning Pump Station will wrap up this month, complete with new landscaping. Work will also be ramping up at the Williams Pump Station site, beginning with the installation of temporary electrical power and a temporary pump, and construction of new facilities. Testing is expected to take place in late November or early December.

Month of October: At Manning Pump Station, crews will be delivering and setting surge tanks on their designated pads, and the site is ready for planting. Work is well underway at Williams Pump Station, where pads will be placed for temporary equipment needed to continue to run the station during construction. That temporary equipment will be set up and put into service this month.

Week of Sept. 25: A concrete pour for the V-ditch is expected to take place this week at Manning, along with continued trenching and laying of pipeline.

Week of Sept. 18: Construction of a V-ditch is taking place at Manning, along with trench work for new pipeline.

Week of Sept. 11: Excavation and generator work is taking place at Manning.

Week of August 28: Work is expected to wrap up this week on the permanent generator at Manning, at which time construction will move to the Shaw Pump Station site, where a temporary generator will be installed in preparation for future work.

Week of August 21: Work will continue to install the permanent generator at Manning through the end of August.

Week of August 14: Work will continue to install a permanent generator at Manning through the end of August.

Week of August 7: A temporary generator will be installed at Manning. Next week's work will focus on surge tank and belly fuel tank construction at Manning. The following week, work will continue at Manning, and and a temporary generator will be installed at the Shaw Pump Station site in preparation of construction at that location.

Week of July 10: At Manning, backfilling work will continue, with the pipe removal scheduled for the following week.Following that, work will begin to excavate for surge tank pads later in July. Work will also begin soon at the Shaw and Williams pump station locations, where temporary power will be established in the next couple of weeks.

Week of July 3: Backfilling will begin this week, to be followed by removal of a decommissioned pipeline. There will be no work this Tuesday in observance of the Independence Day holiday.

Weeks of June 19-30: Installation of wall forms and rebar, concrete pours and waterproofing will continue this week and throughout the month of June.

Week of June 12: Installation of wall forms and rebar will continue this week and throughout the month of June.

Week of June 5: Installation of wall forms and rebar will continue this week and throughout the month of June.

Week of May 29: Forms and rebar will be installed this week for the reservoir footing at the Manning Pump Station location, with wall forms and rebar scheduled to begin late next week and throughout the month of June.

Week of May 22: Digging for the footing is expected to be completed this week.

Week of May 8: Work will begin this week on the footing at the Manning Pump Station location.

Week of May 1: Work will begin this week to prepare the construction site with the excavation and hauling off of dirt, demolition of an existing wall, and installation of temporary fencing at the Manning Pump Station location.

Week of April 18: Work has been temporarily delayed as a result of the contractor's schedule, and will resume in May with some demolition and excavation work at the Manning Pump Station site.

Week of March 20: Work will continue at the Manning Pump Station site as weather and soil conditions permit.

Week of March 12: Work at the Manning Pump Station will continue this week and next to create the footing and walls for the new reservoir tank.

Week of March 5: Work will continue this week and next to create the footing and walls for the reservoir tank.

Week of February 27: Work will take place this week and next to create the footing for the reservoir tank.

Week of February 20: Work will begin this week to clear the site, set up access and install temporary fencing at the Manning Pump station location.

Week of February 13: Survey work will be done to identify wall layout for the work to be done at the Manning Pump Station location.

Week of February 6:  Work is expected to begin this week at the Manning Pump Station location.