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February 21, 2025 6:19AM
February 21, 2025 6:19AM

customer care

Woodbridge pipeline replacement project

WVA Facilities Map   BLACK 032922

Woodbridge has the proud distinction of being one of the first communities in the nation to use recycled water for landscape irrigation. Now, nearly 40 years later, some of the pipeline installed in the 1970s and early 1980s has reached the end of its useful life and will have to be replaced.

To prepare the community for the next 50 years, Irvine Ranch Water District will be replacing 9 miles of new recycled water pipeline within the community.

Work began in June 2022 and will continue into February 2024. Construction near school campuses will occur during the summer and seasonal breaks, and access to all Woodbridge Village Association facilities will be maintained.

Slurry sealing of all roadwork construction areas will be done once all work is completed, except for Alton Parkway, where the City of Irvine is planning a repaving project later in the year.

Construction hours will be limited to Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for arterial streets, and from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. for non-arterial streets. Click on the project updates bar below for construction details.

For more information, please call 949-453-5500 or email

March 2024: Contractors are installing base pavement along the north loop, and will be continuing that work along the south loop the week of March 11. Final paving will begin the week of March 18, beginning on Alton Parkway. Landscape restoration will take place after final paving work is done, and valve cans will be raised to grade level to complete the project.

February 2024: Rain delays are expected this month. All new meters have been connected, with no additional shutdowns expected. Saturday work will take place on Feb. 2, 9, 17 and 24 to remove existing valves in the north and south loops.