Published: Jun 28, 2013 | 21:09 PM
Irvine Ranch Water District’s Customer Appreciation Event Features Equipment Displays and Demonstrations
Learn About The Work IRWD Does in the Community
Customers are invited to the Irvine Ranch Water District’s 50th Anniversary Customer Appreciation Event this Saturday, September 17 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Featured is an operational demonstration by the District’s award-winning pipe tapping team. In addition, there will also be displays in the meter shop and of the various pieces of equipment IRWD crews use in the field to do their jobs
The IRWD water pipe tapping team, the Turbo Tappers, placed first in the 2010 annual Orange County Water Association’s contest. The timed competition involves three team members who tap into a pressurized water pipe using specialized tools. Copper pipe is then connected and run to a faucet. When all connections are made, the faucet is turned on, replicating connection from a water main to a domestic water meter. Saturday’s demonstration will be slowed down so that customers can learn about the process and will be narrated by the team’s coach.
Customers can also find out about the various construction projects and facilities. IRWD’s engineering and operations staff will be on hand to answer all your questions. In addition, this event offers something for the entire family including interactive information booths, water education programs and water-related activities for the kids, tours of the water quality lab and the opportunity for customers to ask questions about their water bills.
The event will be held at the Michelson Water Recycling Plant at 3512 Michelson Dr., Irvine. Please visit the website for more information.