Published: Jun 28, 2013 | 21:09 PM
IRWD Wins Award for Traffic Reduction
Rideshare Program Takes 74 Cars off the Road
The Irvine Ranch Water District was commended for its contribution to the improvement of air quality and relief of traffic congestion with the presentation of the 13th Annual Rideshare Diamond Award. The award is sponsored by the Orange County Transportation Agency, Metro Commute Services and Ventura County Transportaiton Commission. The award was presented to IRWD on May 24 and encourages businesses to establish, continue and improve alternative transportation options and incentives. The Rideshare Program was recognized at the June 27 board meeting.
Sixty five of the IRWD workforce participates in the Rideshare Program. This includes van pool, car pool and biking. Nearly half of the employees in the Rideshare Program ride to work in one of 16 vans. Nine of the vans are equipped with bicycle racks.