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February 23, 2025 12:53PM
February 23, 2025 12:53PM

customer care


Additional Water Savings Needed in February to Meet Overall Water Use Reduction Target

In January, IRWD customers used 5.2 percent less water compared to January 2013. Since June 1st, customers have saved nearly 2.3 billion gallons of water, which is 93 percent of the overall savings needed by the end of February to meet the state-mandated water use reduction target for the IRWD service area. 
IRWD is asking its customers to continue using less water in order to help the District meet its 16 percent water reduction goal for the month of February. Thanks to the rainstorm that passed through the area earlier this week, customers can completely turn off their irrigation systems for the next week and not have to worry about watering their landscapes. For the eight-month period of June 2015-January 2016, water use in the IRWD service area is down 16.2 percent from the same eight-month period in 2013, which is just above its mandatory target of 16 percent. 
The state of California recently extended statewide water use regulations through October 2016. It's expected that updated mandatory water use reduction figures for individual water districts and cities will be released soon. With the extension of these regulations, IRWD is committed to working closely with its customers during the spring and summer to find simple and effective ways to use less water.  
While January provided several decent rainstorms, February has proven to be especially dry in the Orange County region. It remains to be seen if El Niño will have much, if any, impact during the remainder of the winter. If it does remain relatively dry, a fifth straight year of drought becomes more likely and makes it even more important to conserve water. 
IRWD offers many valuable resources and tips to help customers use less water. Here are some to keep in mind during the remainder of this winter: