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February 24, 2025 3:36AM
February 24, 2025 3:36AM

customer care

Keep Fats, Oils and Grease out of the Sewers

grease-down-drain2Did you know that nearly 50 percent of sewage overflows nationwide are caused by homeowners who improperly dispose of everyday fats, oils and grease? These overflows are not just public health issues, but can result in serious damage to our environment, especially pollution of streams, bays and the ocean.

With holiday cooking just around the corner, Irvine Ranch Water District would like to remind our customers that pouring fats, oils and grease down the drain could not only result in a costly plumbing repair bill, but could cause sewer overflows, as well.

The enemy is FOG, or fats, oils and grease, when put down the sewer system will build up over time and constrict the flow of wastewater. The grease sticks to sewer pipes and when it builds up, blocks the entire pipe, resulting in costly repairs and cleanups.

To prevent problems, here are tips for getting rid of left over cooking grease:

  • Minimize the use of excess cooking oils and grease when cooking or frying.
  • Never pour grease down your sink drain, toilet or garbage disposal.
  • Place left over grease into containers with lids, such as jars, and place into a trash receptacle for pick up on trash day.
  • Mix oils with absorbent materials, such as coffee grounds, put it in a lidded container and dispose with the trash.
  • If cleaning a greasy pan, pour grease into a container and wipe excess grease from the pan with paper towels. Place the towels into the trash.
  • If using a deep fat fryer, mix oils with absorbent material, such as cat litter, or soak up excess oil with newspaper and put into the trash.

These simple steps will help IRWD protect the environment by preventing sewer spills. Visit our website for more information.