Published: Jun 28, 2013 | 21:09 PM
IRWD Customer Named Winner in Roger’s Gardens California Friendly Garden Contest
IRWD customer recognized for water efficient garden
Irvine Ranch Water District customer, Heather Swaim, was named a winner in the fifth annual Roger’s Gardens California Friendly Garden Contest. Swaim won “Best Do-it-Yourself” for her water-use efficient garden and was awarded $250 for her efforts.
Several Orange County homeowners entered their gardens into the popular competition. The gardens were judged on-site by a panel of water and landscape experts and through on-line voting. California friendly gardens feature colorful and water efficient plants. They also conserve and protect our limited natural resources.
“I love the California Friendly Garden for its low maintenance,” Heather Swaim said. “I started a California Friendly garden because I wanted to use less water and not use pesticides and fertilizers. I’ve watched my water bill go down by about half.”
For her diligent efforts, Swaim was chosen as IRWD’s first Customer of the Month. IRWD recognizes customers who are water efficient and taking proactive measures to reduce excessive water use. IRWD Customer’s of the Month will be featured in their own YouTube video, as well as on the IRWD website and in the Pipelines billing insert.
The Rodger’s Gardens California Friendly® Garden Contest is the result of a partnership of 14 private, public and non-profit organizations, including the Irvine Ranch Water District, that are committed to efficient and sustainable residential landscaping.
For more information on California Friendly plants, visit IRWD’s YouTube series, “California Friendly Plants of the Month” and the IRWD conservation website: www.alwayswatersmart.com.