Published: Jan 10, 2012 | 21:09 PM
The Capital Group Companies in Irvine Makes Additional Strides to Save Water
Water recycling is an essential component of Irvine Ranch Water District’s water supply portfolio, as any demand met with recycled water reduces the demand for high-quality drinking water. The Capital Group Companies, a global investment management firm, is one of the organizations committed to using recycled water on its campus in Irvine.
“IRWD is pleased to work with a forward-thinking company like The Capital Group,” said Mark Tettemer, IRWD Recycled Water Development Manager. “Not only have they embraced the use of recycled water, they have taken additional steps to be very efficient in its use by utilizing the latest technology.”
Based on the successful use of recycled water at approximately 4,500 sites, recycled water comprises approximately 21 percent of the IRWD service area demands which reduces the effect of droughts and other water supply cutbacks. IRWD works closely with many service area companies and businesses to install recycled water connections to be used for non-potable purposes, such as irrigation and toilet flushing.
In keeping with the Capital Group’s concern for community issues, as well as the Irvine Company Master Plan, designers sought to create a facility that’s both aesthetically appealing and resource efficient.
Opened in 2007, the seven-building, 35-acre campus features a park-like setting with open land that accounts for approximately 60 percent of the area, highlighted by 500 trees, water features and seating areas for impromptu associate gatherings. Recycled water is used for restroom fixtures, landscape irrigation, and as make-up water in its four cooling towers. In 2010, The Capital Group invested in new technology for their cooling towers, resulting in increased efficiency for the equipment and a three million gallon reduction in water use from June 2010 through September 2011.
The Capital Group now uses about 22.8 million gallons of recycled water per year and promotes the use of recycled water and energy efficiency. The organization also allows others interested in the use of recycled water to tour their facilities and learn more about how recycled water is used. The organization demonstrates good stewardship by investing and promoting the use of recycled water.
“We’re committed to maintaining an earth-friendly work environment that combines corporate initiatives with grass-roots efforts,” explains Kathy Dempsey, Facilities Manager for the Irvine Campus. “We encourage associates in each office to take steps at a local level to make a positive difference for our environment. We also take on corporate projects like the green design of our Irvine Campus which includes energy efficient HVAC and lighting equipment, solar arrays and the use of reclaimed water.”
For more information about The Capital Group, please visit its website at capgroup.com. For more about IRWD’s recycled water program, please visit http://www.irwd.com/your-water/recycled-water.html.