Terms and Conditions for Water Efficiency Home Survey: I am checking this box to state that I am interested in reducing indoor/outdoor water use on my Property and request assistance in doing so from an Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD) Water Efficiency Specialist. By checking the box, I agree that IRWD’s Water Efficiency Specialist has permission to be on the Property for the sole purpose of conducting a water efficiency survey, which may include a program test/review or reprogramming of the automatic water timer(s), turning sprinklers on, inspecting water fixtures, conducting dye tablet toilet tests, turning shut off valves, and/or a follow-up site visit. I acknowledge that any recommendations provided by IRWD’s Water Efficiency Specialist are based on an analysis of water usage patterns, limited observations of the property, and professional judgement. I understand that I must decide if the recommendations will be instituted; and continue observation, maintenance and management of the site to respond to changing conditions. I agree that Irvine Ranch Water District shall not be liable for damages to the property or claims resulting from a complimentary water efficiency survey, irrigation system evaluation, virtual evaluation, or from my possible use of IRWD’s Water Efficiency Specialist recommendations. I understand that completion of a Home Survey does not guarantee a decrease in usage or in the amount of my bill.