
customer care

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February 21, 2025 10:33PM
February 21, 2025 22:33PM

customer care

Schedule a Water Efficiency Home Survey

Irvine Ranch Water District offers FREE water efficiency home surveys to help customers troubleshoot reasons for high water usage. Before requesting a survey, please ensure you have completed the Customer Education Portal.

Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you within two business days to schedule a virtual or in-person home survey. During the survey, a Water Efficiency Specialist will help you:

    1. Understand how to read your meter and calculate your water use.
    2. Check for leaks in your sprinkler system.
    3. Review your watering schedule and make adjustments if needed.
    4. Provide dye tablets to check for toilet leaks.
    5. Make recommendations on relevant rebates and programs.

Please email if you have any questions.


Water Efficiency Home Survey Request Form

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Terms and Conditions for Water Efficiency Home Survey: I am checking this box to state that I am interested in reducing indoor/outdoor water use on my Property and request assistance in doing so from an Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD) Water Efficiency Specialist. By checking the box, I agree that IRWD’s Water Efficiency Specialist has permission to be on the Property for the sole purpose of conducting a water efficiency survey, which may include a program test/review or reprogramming of the automatic water timer(s), turning sprinklers on, inspecting water fixtures, conducting dye tablet toilet tests, turning shut off valves, and/or a follow-up site visit. I acknowledge that any recommendations provided by IRWD’s Water Efficiency Specialist are based on an analysis of water usage patterns, limited observations of the property, and professional judgement. I understand that I must decide if the recommendations will be instituted; and continue observation, maintenance and management of the site to respond to changing conditions. I agree that Irvine Ranch Water District shall not be liable for damages to the property or claims resulting from a complimentary water efficiency survey, irrigation system evaluation, virtual evaluation, or from my possible use of IRWD’s Water Efficiency Specialist recommendations. I understand that completion of a Home Survey does not guarantee a decrease in usage or in the amount of my bill.

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